Music On Hold for Group Administrators
Music on Hold allows calls on hold and parked calls to have music. You can customize the music that plays or disable it altogether. The music could be combined with a promotional on hold message as well. As a group administrator, you can change the music on hold as often as you like, via the Masergy web portal. You can make it as complex or as simple as you want. If you need a professional voice over work and editing we can make a referral with a reputable company. Also, all copyright permissions must be obtained by you. Also, you can have different music play for different departments and for outgoing and incoming calls.
The Call Hold, Call Park, and Busy Camp On services use the audio source specified through the group Music on Hold service page on the Group web portal. This page also allows for selectively activating and deactivating Music on Hold for each service. The default state for Music on Hold for Busy Camp On is “Off”. The music source can be a system-provided audio file, or a custom audio file selected by the group administrator and uploaded to the system. The music files uploaded by the administrator must be ccittu-law .wav files that are a maximum of five (5) minutes in length. The maximum size of this file is 2.4 MB. Users can activate and deactivate the music on hold for themselves via the portal and via a feature access code.
Each call center can define and use its own music source. As for Call Hold and Call Park, the music source for each call center can be the default system, or a custom music source uploaded by the administrator. The same format requirements apply for the call center Music on Hold; however, the length of the audio file is limited to five (5) minutes and its maximum size is 2.4 MB.
Department Music on Hold functionality, allows for separate music on hold audio sources to be configured on a per-department basis. The per-department audio source is optional, and departments without their own audio source make use of the group-defined audio source by default, as usual. Once the group administrator allows a department to use its own audio source, this audio source can be configured by the department administrator.
Streaming Music on Hold
Masergy is proud to partner with Captivate Connect for streaming Music on Hold. As a Masergy customer, you can now inform and engage your customers while they are waiting in a queue or on hold with a dynamic on hold audio service.
You can select a music genre, provide any existing audio to Captivate Connect for upload or Captivate Connect will write and produce promotional messages about your business. For more information please reach out to Captivate Connect (contact us) or by sending an email to [email protected] for this advanced Music on Hold experience. The Masergy and Captivate Connect product sheet can be found here.
How to
For further details and help regarding using Music on Hold please contact support at [email protected] or for a training session please send an e-mail to [email protected] to schedule an on-line training session.
For the full story on Music on Hold please read the Music on Hold User Guide.